Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm starting to get really excited about the Blitzen Trapper CD release show, taking place this Friday at good old Berbati's Pan. I booked the whole thing myself, which I don't usally do. I'm very stoked about how the lineup came together - varying degrees of "artsy" and "poppy" overlapping in nice ways. These are three of my favorite bands in town on one bill and it feels good to be a part of that. Check out the long-winded press release I wrote for it here.*

Here's my first ever MP3-bloggy link:


Here's the awesome poster, designed by the B.Trap:

fig 17: cum, join us.

Do get there early so you can catch the Graves, who never play out and are very talented in a low-key way. Just listened to their first album again this weekend, and yeah it's still very nice. The Kingdom are great too, and I'm not the only who thinks so - they just got signed to the only biggish label in town.

Steve and I (CUM LAZER) will be in full effect too, dropping poorly mixed heat between bands and afterwards. I'm hoping to instigate full-on dance party action before the night is out, which would would be a first for me in those vaunted Greek halls.

Sort of funny story: the wonderful lady who books Berbati's, Chantelle Hylton, took the liberty of putting us on the venue calendar as "special guest superstar deejay duo CUM LAZER!!". I thought that was cute. I also mentioned us in the press release for the show as CUM LAZER DJs - so as not to imply bandness. The end result? The "superstar" bit made it into all the calendar ads in the papers, and the Mercury listed us as CUM LAZER DJS (which sounds like the lazer coming back from the future to save the present). Thus my attempts to avoid confusion only create more weird ambiguity, which makes perfect sense. CUM LAZER: it's all in yr mind. TRIPPY!

Also, ramen actually smells really good after all the water in the pot has evaporated due to compulsive blogging whilst boiling noodles, some of which are now cemented to the bottom of said pot in an appealing brain-like pattern. They smell like mac 'n' cheese when you leave it in the stove longer than you're supposed to, which I do, because Grandma always made them that way. In short: I *heart* burnt noodles. Not sure about the band though (figure 18).

fig 18: burnt ramen (butchered hens rule)

*(I don't think I've mentioned this yet on the ol' blog, but I do music-related publicity for my (meager) living, and one of the things I'm doing right now is promoting this album. I booked this show and sent out a press release, hoping that local music scribes might take the occasion to get PUMPED on the Trapper and inform the public, thereby causing all of Portland to realize the pop genius lurking in our midst. The cynical/smart among you will be reading $$$ into my enthusiasm, but trust me: I feel this band, LOTS. They are indeed wonderful and they deserve to be heard. This is my mission.)


Hi Matt, nice art! I got to come back and explore more!!
Are you on "myspace" too? i'm R o i n there.
i live at my gf's here in france. i draw too and make songs. you can check my trash at
if you can think of any artistic collaboration and stuff that will be cool. i play since some time the renaissance lute and will have to find some way to imply this in my songs..

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/19/2005  

Rosin -

That's some pretty cool music you have there! The lute pieces are beautiful and the others remind me of Jean Micheal Jarre mixed with Momus or something. If I ever get my shit together and start making electronic music again, maybe you can sing on top of it or do some lute parts. PEACE!

By Blogger trmw, at 2/25/2005  

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