Monday, February 14, 2005

Very soon now TRMW will be moving over to Urban Honking (here), and I'm really really excited about it. UrHo, as they call it, is a local Portland blog community of sorts, which also includes a show calendar and message board. It's a very special thing, with lots of great creative stuff going on. There's talk of Team Tinnitus moving over there too eventually. My music will stay here on Metem, where it belongs, but this rambling all-about-me stuff will be gone. Stay tuned!

Just got around to reading this (it's been shortcutted on my desktop for weeks) and quite enjoyed it. That last sentence is me to a T - it's almost creepy. Probably the only blog that's really managed the YobNik stance would be this one, which sets it apart from pretty much every other music blog out there.

Stuff like this is why I like blogs (well, one of them); serious thought about music and how it relates to society, totally divorced from release dates and totally, wonderfully pretentious.

fig 16: beatnik, guitar, she-beatnik


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